The Pariah by Anthony Ryan

Break out all the superlatives because The Pariah by Anthony Ryan is one of the best books of the year and an amazing beginning to a new fantasy series. Alwyn Scribe is the best character I’ve come across since Nona Grey in Mark Lawrence's Red Sister.

Alwyn Scribe was cast into the forest as a boy and raised by outlaws. Alwyn’s quick wit and sharp knife see him grow into a trusted member of the gang and skilled spy for the infamous outlaw Deckin Scarl. The Kingdom of Albermaine is in turmoil with a pretender to the throne dividing the Kingdom. An unexpected betrayal soon casts Alwyn’s life further off-kilter and sets him on a course of vengeance. His skills and education are sharpened by his trials and ultimately lead him to a soldier’s life under the command of Lady Evadine Courlain. All the while Alywn’s path is shaped by his pursuit of vengeance.

The narrative employed by Ryan tells you from the very beginning that Alwyn will rise to become much more powerful and deadly than the poor thief we meet in the beginning. This creates an undercurrent of anticipation and excitement throughout the whole story. While Alwyn is the focal point of the story, every single character is fully formed and compelling. Everyone has secrets and there is more to them than meets the eye. Nothing can be dismissed as it may have great importance later on.

The world-building is lush and draws you in from the opening page. You are immersed in this grim world as Ryan draws every sight and sound. Ryan makes you eagerly follow Alwyn with a fast-paced story full of unexpected turns. Battles, betrayals, vengeance, and some mysticism propel you along. This is intelligent fantasy with a cast full of compelling characters that will have you invested and eager to turn the next page.

The Pariah is an example of the best that epic fantasy can offer and I doubt you’ll read a better book all year. What an opening for The Covenant of Steel series! Put this book at the top of your list. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher.


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