Down Among The Dead by K. B. Wagers

An explosion at her embassy killed most of the people Hail Bristol held dearest and left her a prisoner of the Shen. Down Among the Dead by K. B. Wagers picks up immediately after the events that concluded the previous book, There Before the Chaos. The Shen have a job in mind for Hail: they want her to kill the Farian gods. Hail finds herself in the middle of a centuries-long war between the Shen and the Farians, one of Indrana's oldest allies. It appears as if there is no way to sit this one out. Hail has to make a decision and pick a side, and the fate of the universe hinges on her decision.

The Shen, while needing Hail’s cooperation, still put her through tremendous physical and mental torture. Hail questions everything, including her own sanity, while pushing herself beyond her limits. She will need every bit of her intuition, her physical skills and her political acumen if she is to find a solution that doesn’t end with three civilizations in flames. Gunrunner, Empress, and Star of Indrana. Hail will need to be all of these things if she is to make it out alive.

It is a testament to Wagers’ skill as a writer that they have developed such well-rounded and likable characters that you will follow them through just about anything. They really put Hail through the wringer in this one! As difficult as it is to see what Hail goes through, in the back of her mind she is always digesting information, making connections, and forming plans. Wagers also keeps developing characters you’ve met before as well as introducing new and interesting characters. As much as I liked the character of Johar before, I learned to love her even more in this book. It is the human (and alien) interactions and relationships that make these books stand out.

While lacking some of the (literally) explosive pieces of the last novel, Down Among the Dead does not want for action--and includes an Indiana Jones-like scene that had me laughing out loud! At its heart, it is filled with political intrigue and emotional upheaval. The tension increases throughout as events move towards an exciting conclusion. Chess pieces have been moved all over the board to set up what should be an explosive final chapter in The Farian War trilogy. I can’t wait! Highly recommended.

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher.

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