The Mercy of Gods by James S. A. Corey


The authors of The Expanse, return with the first in a mind-blowing new trilogy. Humanity has settled in the far future on the planet Anjiin. Their origins are so far in the past as to be forgotten. When the powerful Carryx show up, along with several alien races in thrall to them, humanity's resistance is all but nil, and one-eighth of the population is killed simply as a show of force.

Select humans are transported to a Carryx world. They must prove that they can be useful to the Carryx or all of humanity may be wiped out. Among those selected are a group of scientists led by Tonner Freis who have done ground-breaking work studying and manipulating Anjiin's silicon-based life forms. Their work on the tasks set for them by the Carryx will determine humanity's fate.

Corey creates a world that is truly amazing and awe-inspiring. It is alien in its structure, society, and way of thinking. The humans must struggle with their work while adjusting to captivity and navigating a world and cultures they don't understand. Failure can have devastating consequences.

This book has two of my favorite things in all of science fiction or fantasy. A richly developed alien world to explore and an element of foretelling where you know something devastating will happen, you just don't know when, how, or why. The Carryx are locked in a long, long war, and they have unknowingly brought an enemy into their midst. 

The scale conveyed here is almost beyond imagining. The size and construction of the world, the long history of the Carryx, and the number of races they've conquered, subjugated, and exterminated is incredible. It brings to mind Frederick Pohl in his best works. 

The characters are amazing and provide great emotional heft to the story. The intensity of both the emotional arc of the characters and the intricate plot is a difficult feat that Corey makes look effortless. It is well-paced and suspenseful throughout. You'll be torn between wanting to race through the pages and wanting to savor every minute. This is one of the best SF books of the year.

I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. 


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